is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) organization with individual and corporate members that is dedicated solely to the promotion of greater awareness, understanding, and cooperation between the people of the United States and Korea. Learn more about us here.

Korea’s Transition to Democracy: Thirty Years On



Marking thirty years since the shift from authoritarianism to democracy in South Korea, the Korea Society hosts analysts and experts for an intimate discussion of the transition then, the flowering of democracy since, to include the Candlelight Movement, and the state of Korea’s democracy today. This is a small-group, special recording session.




Thursday, February 15
3:00 PM
Special recording narration: Ms. Lauren Bernstein, Actors Equity
Introduction: Dr. Stephen Noerper, Korea Society
3:15 PM
Flowering of Korea’s Democracy: Mr. Philip Sherman, Citi (ret.)
3:20 PM
Evolution of Korea’s Democracy: Professor Sung-yoon Lee, Fletcher School
4:00 PM
4:15 PM
Korea 1987: Transitions Then and Since
5:00 PM
Reception: Morton’s, 45th Street
Friday, February 16
10:00 AM
Korea’s Democracy and US-Korea Relations: Mr. Bruce Klingner, Heritage and Dr. Sue Mi Terry, CSIS, Mr. Scott Snyder, CFR, and Professor Sung-yoon Lee, Fletcher School, in conversation with Dr. Stephen Noerper, Korea Society
11:30 AM
Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman, Actors Equity, and the Korea Foundation